Saturday, April 5, 2014

Ergonomics in Indian Context

Ergonomics is application of scientific information concerning objects, system and environment for human use. (International ergonomics association 2000)
Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary science whose primary focus is the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of musculoskeletal disorders and their risk factors in the workplace. (American Industrial Hygiene Association)
The goals of ergonomics are to,
·         decrease risk of musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses
·         decrease worker discomfort and to improve the quality of work life
·         improve worker performance and productivity

The goal of the science of ergonomics is to find a best fit between worker and job conditions and to make sure workers are uninjured, safe, and comfortable, as well as productive.

Steps of Ergonomics

1.       Individual’s improvement
A.      Correction of musculo skeletal strength, flexibility and posture
Work related postural imbalance produce the flexibility and strength imbalance and produce the postural abnormality. Correction of postural imbalance, strength and flexibility can help to avoid work related musculoskeletal disorders.

B.      Educating about working posture 
Repeated stress or wrong techniques like lifting, bending, kneeling, squatting and twisting are the common activities leads to work related musculoskeletal disorders. Education about the working posture can prevent the pain and discomfort.

2.       Engineering improvement
C.      Adjusting the working environment
Work space are usually equipped well and poorly adjusted according to the individuals’ physical appearance like height. Example; most often, the lumbar support is kept lower than lumbar curve in-spite of supporting in lumbar curve. Adjusting the working environment according to the individuals discomfort can help them to prevent pain and discomfort.

D.      Modification of working tool
Some time, worker need to add or change the working tool to prevent the work related to musculoskeletal injuries. Example; Any one use laptop use laptop for more than 3 hours may need to use laptop doc system with additional key board to avoid neck and shoulder pain.  Electrician who has elbow pain may need to change the angulations in hammer.   

3.       Administrative improvement  
E.       Change of job according to excising musculoskeletal problem  
Some time, some of musculoskeletal problem may need to modify the work schedule or inter-change the job nature to work related to musculoskeletal injuries. Example; the person who has diabetic and work with shoulder pain working in vibration based tool may need to shift to non vibration tool work like lifting.  The lady who had back pain and disc problem may need to interchange the job to non lifting jobs like vibration based tool working environment.  Participatory ergonomics can be helpful for the same activities. 

“Spectrum Ergo-Physio Concept ®”
Spectrum physio centre promote the   “SPECTRUM ERGO-PHYSIO CONCEPT” in Indian ergonomic scenario. Spectrum ergo physio concept is a holistic programme include ergonomic awareness programme, skilled physiotherapy assessment, desk exercise, work – rest regimen, workstation analysis and modification, participatory ergonomic intervention according to the individual need.  The effective ergonomic implementation leads to decrease the discomfort, pain and increase the productivity and overall satisfaction. However, Excising musculo-skeletal problem cannot be always corrected by ergonomics alone. Ergonomic advice with physiotherapy leads to maximal benefit of ergonomic implementation.

Be proactive

You don’t have to wait till you get pain, anyone can seek for musculoskeletal risk assessment and onsite ergonomic evaluation to promote your health and increase your productivity.  Early intervention can help to enhance your performance and prevent work related musculoskeletal disorders. 

MPT(Community Physio and Community Based Rehabilitation)

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